Reflecting on anniversaries and the true meaning of JKD
I kept looking at the calendar this morning wondering why April 22 seemed to have some significance. I checked the calendar that I write...
Reflecting on anniversaries and the true meaning of JKD
"...the only fight I ever had where the game plan actually worked..."
Equipment for JKD Class
Halloween Safety Tip #1
What are Jun Fan Gung Fu & Jeet Kune Do? Part 1
Israeli civilian taken hostage
Bruce Lee, Wong Jack Man, and the truth. An eyewitness account.
Well Prepared
A little Christian humor/Self Defense lesson for you all :-)
Mind-Body-Spirit: Character, Honor, and being a true Martial Artist
MIND-BODY-SPIRIT: Disciplining our thoughts
Happy Birthday Sifu Larry Hartsell
Ok, I'm a geek...
Mind-Body-Spirit: Martial Arts Power
"Action vs. Reaction"
50th Anniversary of Bruce Lee's passing.